In September 2023, I was awarded the Marion Newbigin Prize by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society for my article in the 2022 issue of the Scottish Geographical Journal entitled “First a wudd, and syne a sea: postglacial coastal change of Scotland revealed in ancient stories“. Here is the certificate –

This prize is named in honour of pioneering Scottish geographer, Dr Marion Newbigin, and has been awarded periodically since 1938, four years after she passed away.
In 2018, I was awarded the J.P. Thomson Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland “in recognition of your advancement of the object of the Society, to promote and stimulate the study of Geography”.

In 2007, I shared in the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) with which I had then been associated for more than a decade; a share in the award was given to those scientists deemed to have ‘contributed substantially’ to the IPCC since its inception. I have continued my involvement with the IPCC since 2007.

In 2003, I was awarded the Gregory Medal of the Pacific Science Association – more details of the award here – the medal was awarded following my keynote address to the Pacific Science Association in Bangkok.