Chapter 1. Beyond Belief (Patrick Nunn and Johannes Luetz)
Looking back to the future: the clash of religion and secularism
Chapter 2. Ecology, War and Nuclear Testing in the Pacific: The Path of Reconciliation (Clive W. Ayre, Karenne Hills and Johannes Luetz)
Chapter 3. Religious and cultural-spiritual attributions of climate-driven changes on food production: a case study from North Malaita, Solomon Islands (Zina Bird, Morgan Wairiu, Helene Jacot Des Combes and Viliamu Iese)

The roots of spirituality and religion in the Pacific islands region
Chapter 4. Leveraging Vanua: Metaphysics, Nature, and Climate Change Adaptation in Fiji (Francisco Gelves-Gómez and Shannon Brincat)
Chapter 5. Gods, spirits and natural hazards: Ontologies and epistemologies of natural hazards and climate change in Kiribati and Papua New Guinea (Guy Jackson and Annah Piggott-McKellar)
Chapter 6. Climate Justice and God’s Justice in the Pacific: Climate Change Adaptation and Martin Luther (Richard Davies)
Religion as culture, religion for wellbeing
Chapter 7. Cyclone Winston: Catholic women’s faith and agency in a coastal village in Fiji (Shirleen Sahai, Tammy Tabe, Jacqueline Ryle)
Chapter 8. Signs of “the End Times”: Perspectives on Climate Change among Market Sellers in Madang, Papua New Guinea (Kylie McKenna and Lorelle Tekopiri Yakam)

Chapter 9. Climate Change and Eschatology (Kurt Bangert)
Chapter 10. Standing in the Middle of the Ocean: Time for a Public Theology (Clive Pearson)
Weaving worldviews: science and spirituality together
Chapter 11. Paddling on Both Sides of the Canoe: Toward a Consilience of Science and Spirituality in Climate Change Response (Rowan Gard)
Chapter 12. Climate Change: Science, People, Religion—Cord of Three Strands (Peni Hausia Havea and Antoine De Ramon N’Yeurt)
Chapter 13. Influence of spiritual beliefs on autonomous climate-change adaptation: a case study from Ono Island, southern Fiji (Jalasayi Atkinson-Nolte, Patrick D. Nunn, Prudence Millear)

Chapter 14. For Kin, God and Other Beings: Mixtures of Conservation Practice in Raja Ampat, West Papua (Ian N. Parker)
Belief and action: a way forward?
Chapter 15. Pacific Climate Warriors and Local Narratives on Climate Change: An Analysis of a Faith-informed Indigenous Rhetoric (Claudia Ledderucci)

Chapter 16. How does faith influence pro-environmental practice in schools? Examples from the Pacific Islands (Thelma Raman and Johannes Luetz)
Faith for survival
Chapter 17. Wonders in the Heavens Above, Signs on the Earth Below: Pacific Islands Pentecostalism, Climate Change and Acts 2 (John D. Griffiths)
Chapter 18. Christianity, Creation, and the Climate Crisis: Eco-theological Paradigms and Perspectives (Johannes Luetz and Richard Leo)
Chapter 19. Faith and a Sustainable Pacific (Clive W. Ayre)
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