Chapter 1: The Pacific Basin
Chapter 2: Investigating the Pacific Basin
Chapter 3: Ideas Concerning the Origin of the Pacific Basin
Chapter 4: The Earliest Pacific (before 250 million years ago)
Chapter 5: The Pacific During the Mesozoic Era (250-66 million years ago)
Chapter 6: The Pacific During the Paleogene (66-24.6 million years ago)
Chapter 7: The Pacific During the Neogene (24.6-1.77 million years ago)
Chapter 8: Understanding the Chronology of the Pleistocene (1.77-0.012 million years ago)
Chapter 9: The Early and Middle Pleistocene in the Pacific Basin (1.77-.128 million years ago)
Chapter 10: The Last Interglacial (128-111 thousand years ago) in the Pacific Basin
Chapter 11: The Last Glacial (111-12 thousand years ago) in the Pacific Basin
Chapter 12: Human Arrival in the Pacific Basin
Chapter 13: The Early Holocene (12-6 thousand years ago) in the Pacific Basin
Chapter 14: The Middle Holocene (6-3 thousand years ago) in the Pacific Basin
Chapter 15: The Late Holocene (3 thousand years ago to present) in the Pacific Basin
Chapter 16: Afterword
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