I suppose I was a scientist before I was an author. I wanted to understand things before I wrote too much about them. Nowadays, like many people who have been scientists for more than a quarter of a century, I find I understand lots and am motivated to tell others about this. So now I am perhaps more of an author than a scientist.
Science has had a bad rap in a few places. I often meet people, especially students, who are terrified of it because they consider it impenetrable, unlearnable, even antagonistic. Which is wrong. I often remind them that science simply means knowledge. We are all scientists. Perhaps only focus separates us.
Please click on one of the links below to find about more about the scientific work I do. You may enjoy reading about some of my recent projects, the detailed accounts of which are richly illustrated and written for everyone to understand. You may find the list of my academic publications of interest too. Also here are details of some of the awards I have received.
Recent projects
Academic publications