Chapter 1. Hearing the Past
Chapter 2. Worlds in Shadow
Chapter 3. Recently Drowned Lands
Chapter 4. At the Nexus of Science and Memory
Chapter 5. Red Herrings? Fishy Tales of Unlikely Sunken Lands
Chapter 6. Hidden Depths: Coastal Lands Submerged Long Ago
Chapter 7. Deep in Shadow: Ancient Lands Now Hidden
Chapter 8. Earth’s Watery Shroud: Sea-Level Changes
Chapter 9. “The Island Tilts … The Tourists Go Mad”: The Ups and Downs of the Earth’s Crust
Chapter 10. Falling Apart: Collapsing Continents and Islands
Chapter 11. “… Huge and Mighty Hilles of Water”: Monstrous Waves
Chapter 12. Volcanic Islands
Chapter 13. Slipping Into the Shadows: Vanishing Lands
Chapter 14. Out of the Shadows: Resisting Land Submergence

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